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All 300 Strings,

Fig 12 4x4
Type B








Fig 11

Fig 12

Fig 12


Australian High Power Rifle

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Courses Of Fire   - Main Index

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Australian (Service) Match Course
AKA, "Application, Rapid and Snap"

This course is slightly modified from one of the Commonwealths oldest courses of fire shot by the services for training and marksmanship classification.  It has been slightly modified to suit current Australian legal firearms and laws, however the fundamentals remain unchanged.



Type of Fire



Prone (Unsupported)

2+ 10

Slow Fire Application - 9min


4x4 Fig 12

Prone (Unsupported)

2+ 2 x5

Rapid Fire – 30, 30, 30


4x4 Fig 12

Prone (Unsupported

2+ 10

Snap Fire - 3sec per exposure with 5-15 sec between


4x4 Fig 12

Sitting (Unsupported)

2+ 2 x5

Rapid Fire – 30, 30, 30


Fig. 11

Sitting (Unsupported

2+ 10

Snap Fire - 3sec per exposure with 5-15 sec between


Fig. 12

Standing (Unsupported) 2+ 10 Snap Fire - 3sec per exposure with 5-15 sec between 100 Fig. 12

Course of fire.

Note:  Sighters at 300 for strings 2 and 3 are only given if there is a stoppage to the range proceedings (detail change, etc).  If strings are shot back to back, there are no sighters for strings 2 and 3.


String 1      300 yards/metres    Total of 12 Rounds    PRONE - SLOW FIRE (Application)

-          Shot on 4x4’, Type B target with Fig 12 aiming mark.

-          Prone, unsupported.

-          2 non convertible sighters.  After sighters, carry on with record shots...

-          10 shots to count, slow fire (application) - 12 minute time limit.

-          Single round loading only.

-          Each shot is individually marked/spotted and the score value is indicated.

-          Scoring is carried out on the firing line by a scorer, competitor or other as arranged.


String 2      300 yards/metres    Total of 12 Rounds    PRONE - RAPID FIRE

-          Shot on 4x4’, Type B target with Fig 12 aiming mark.

-          Prone, unsupported.

-          2 non convertible sighters, fired in a 2 minute time limit.

-          10 shots to count, rapid fire.

-          Targets appear for 30 seconds.  Targets off for 30 seconds.  Targets reappear for 30 seconds.

-          Start at the load action, instant state, and in position.

-          On “watch and shoot” command, engage target with 10 rounds.  Reload when necessary.

-          At conclusion, all shots are counted, spotted with discs and exposed to shooters (firers view),

-          Scoring is carried out on the firing line by a scorer, competitor or other as arranged while hits
     are radioed back to the firing line, or shown on bimmo board.


String 3      300 yards/metres    Total of 12 Rounds     PRONE - SNAP FIRE

-          Shot on 4x4’, Type B target with Fig 12 aiming mark.

-          Prone, unsupported.

-          2 trial exposures of 3 seconds.

-          2 non convertible sighters, fired in 2 minute time limit.  Only given after range stoppage...

-          10 shots to count, snap fire.

-          10 exposures of 3 seconds with 5-15 seconds between exposures.

-          start at the load (may load 10 rounds if capable), action, instant state,

-          on “watch and shoot” command, engage each target when exposed (up to 10 rounds),

-          At conclusion, all shots are counted, spotted with discs and exposed to shooters (firers view),

-          Scoring is carried out on the firing line by a scorer, competitor or other as arranged while hits
     are radioed back to the firing line, or shown on bimmo board.


String 4      200 yards/metres    Total of 12 Rounds    SITTING - RAPID FIRE

-          Shot on Figure 11, target.

-          Sitting, unsupported.

-          2 non convertible sighters, fired in a 2 minute time limit.

-          10 shots to count, rapid fire.

-          Targets appear for 30 seconds.  Targets off for 30 seconds.  Targets reappear for 30 seconds.

-          Start at the load action, instant state, and in position.

-          On “watch and shoot” command, engage target with 10 rounds.  Reload when necessary.

-          At conclusion, all shots are counted, spotted with discs and exposed to shooters (firers view),

-          Scoring is carried out on the firing line by a scorer, competitor or other as arranged while hits
     are radioed back to the firing line, or shown on bimmo board.


String 5       200 yards/metres   Total of 12 Rounds    SITTING - SNAP FIRE

-          Shot on Figure 12, target.

-          Sitting, unsupported.

-          2 trial exposures of 3 seconds.

-          2 non convertible sighters, fired in 2 minute time limit.

-          10 shots to count, snap fire.

-          10 exposures of 3 seconds with 5-15 seconds between exposures.

-          start at the load (may load 10 rounds if capable), action, instant state,

-          on “watch and shoot” command, engage each target when exposed (up to 10 rounds),

-          At conclusion, all shots are counted, spotted with discs and exposed to shooters (firers view),

-          Scoring is carried out on the firing line by a scorer, competitor or other as arranged while hits
     are radioed back to the firing line, or shown on bimmo board.


String 6       100 yards/metres   Total of 12 Rounds     STANDING - SNAP FIRE
            -          Shot on Figure 12, target.
            -          Standing, unsupported.
            -          2 trial exposures of 3 seconds.

            -          2 non convertible sighters, fired in 2 minute time limit.
            -          10 shots to count, snap fire.
            -          10 exposures of 3 seconds with 5-15 seconds between exposures.
            -          start at the load (may load 10 rounds if capable), action, instant state,
            -          bolt must only be closed when pointing at stop butt,

-          on “watch and shoot” command, engage each target when exposed (up to 10 rounds),

            -          At conclusion, all shots are counted, spotted with discs and exposed to shooters (firers view),
            -          Scoring is carried out on the firing line by a scorer, competitor or other as arranged while hits
                       are radioed back to the firing line, or shown on bimmo board.


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