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Australian High Power Rifle
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Hard-Core Tactical Match Course (HTMC) This course was created for Open (any spec) rifles. Each event program should be consulted for details.
Course of fire. Match begins with a 3 minute preparation period. During this time, the shooters may handle the rifle, remove the ECI, insert the bolt and dry fire, make adjustments, etc. Unless during prep time or during the match, the ECI must be inserted in the rifle.
Note: These are the ONLY sighters allowed for this course. - At the conclusion of each string, an ECI’s must be inserted into the rifle. - During the first string, a spotting disc is inserted into each shot indication the shot spotting location. A golf tee, or similar, is then inserted any previous shots. At the conclusion of the 10 shots, groups and scores is given. - Firers view (groups and scores) are shown to shooters at the mound where shot before moving to next string distance. - When scores and groups period is complete, targets are pulled and shooters have 2 minutes until next string commences – shooters must be at the next firing point, ready to shoot, before removing ECI to commence firing. - All equipment must be taken down range from start to finish – nothing should be left behind (if you can’t carry it, don’t use it…). - If a range runs this match, but distance is an issue, then either above strings can be removed, or modified to form a similar challenge. |