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SR Target

SR Target


SR-3 Target


MR-1 Target

Australian High Power Rifle

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Courses Of Fire   - Main Index

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International Match Course (50 and 80 shot)

The International Match Course is a multi distance, multi position and multi style shooting course, and is the AIHPA's core match.

The IMC is made up of base strings.  These strings are used singularly or in multiples to make up the match course.

There are 2 main courses:

50 shot match, including 4 strings each with 2 sighters, totalling 58 shots, is know as the "National Match Course".  It is the major format for shooting tournaments and championships internationally, because it is only 50 shots to allow the championship to handle thousands of shooters.

80 shot match, including 6 strings each with 2 sighters, totalling 88 shots, is known as the "Regional Match Course".  This format is used at most state and regional championships, that allow for more shots to be fired due to the events having less shooters than national championships.

Other variations to the match course can be done by simply adding or subtracting strings.




Type of Fire




2+ 10

Slow Fire (Application) – 12min



Sitting or kneeling
(from standing)

2+ 10

Rapid Fire – 60sec



(from standing)

2+ 10

Rapid Fire – 70sec




2+ 20

Slow Fire (Application) – 22min







Type of Fire




2+ 20

Slow Fire (Application) – 12min



Sitting or kneeling
(from standing)

2+ 2x 10

Rapid Fire – 60sec
(2 strings of 10 shots)



(from standing)

2+ 2x 10

Rapid Fire – 70sec
(2 strings of 10 shots)




2+ 20

Slow Fire (Application) – 22min



Course of fire.              

Note.  All strings may be shot at reduced distances by using reduced targets.

Each string begins with a 3 minute preparation period.  During this time, the shooters may handle the rifle, remove the ECI, insert the bolt and dry fire, make adjustments, etc.  Unless during prep time or during the string, the ECI must be inserted in the rifle.

String 1         200 yards/metres                Total of 12 Rounds              STANDING
    -          Shot on 4'x4’, 3” X-ring “SR” target with 13” aiming mark,
    -          All shots fired from the standing/off-hand position,
    -          No sling usage allowed (during this standing string only) (put sling in parade position),
    -          2 non convert sighters then 10 shots to count, slow fire (application) - 12 minute time limit,
    -          Single round loading only, and closed bolt on loaded round when pointing at stop butt,
    -          Each shot is individually marked/spotted and the score value is indicated,
    -          Each shot values are indicated to the firing line and recorded by scorer, or as arranged.

String 2         200 yards/metres                Total of 12 Rounds              SITTING
    -          Shot on 4x4’, 3” X-ring “SR” target with 13” aiming mark,
    -          2 non convertible sighters, in 2 minutes.  Sighters must be shot in prescribed position.
    -          10 shots to count, rapid fire within 60 second time limit (scoped internal mags – additional 10sec),
    -          Mandatory reload after 5th shot inclusive during the counting 10,
    -          All shots fired from the sitting position:
    -          Start, either, from the standing position, holding rifle with magazine loaded and bolt open, OR
                start in position with rifle out of shoulder, rifle unloaded and ammo on ground not being touched.
    -          When target appears, adopt the firing position, then (load) close bolt and engage target,
    -          Action MUST remain open until adopting the firing position,
    -          At conclusion of string, all shots are spotted with discs and exposed to shooters,
    -          Each shot value is relayed to the firing line and recorded by a scorer, or as arranged.

String 3        300 yards/metres                 Total of 12 Rounds               PRONE
    -          Shot on 4x4’, 3” X-ring “SR-3” target with 19” aiming mark,
    -          2 non convertible sighters, in 2 minutes.  Sighters must be shot in prescribed position.
    -          10 shots to count, rapid fire within 70 second time limit (scoped internal mags – additional 10sec),
    -          Mandatory reload after 5th shot inclusive during the counting 10,
    -          All shots fired from the prone position:
    -          Start, either, from the standing position, holding rifle with magazine loaded and bolt open, OR
                start in position with rifle out of shoulder, rifle unloaded and ammo on ground not being touched.
    -          When target appears, adopt the firing position, then (load) close bolt and engage target,
    -          Action MUST remain open until adopting the firing position,
    -          At conclusion, all shots are spotted with discs and exposed to shooters,
    -          Each shot value is relayed to the firing line and recorded by a scorer, or as arranged.

String 4        600 yards/metres                 Total of 22 Rounds               PRONE
    -          If 600, then shot on 6x6’, 6” X-ring “MR-1” target with 36” aiming mark,
    -          If 400, then shot on 4x4’, SR-3 target (same as 300)
    -          All shots fired from the prone position,
    -          2 non convert sighters then 20 shots to count, slow fire (application) - 22 minute time limit,
    -          Single round loading only, and close bolt on loaded round when pointing at target,
    -          Each shot is individually marked/spotted and the score value is indicated,
    -          Each shot values are indicated to the firing line and recorded by scorer, or as arranged.


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