Background:      Brisbane (Belmont) hosted the inaugural running of the HPR Australian Shooting Games in 2005.  It was a fantastic event, and for the first time, a major HPR event was held outside NSW – this time in sunny Queensland.

Many regard the Australian Shooting Games as one of the best shooting rendezvous because it is an annual event that brings together shooters of almost every shooting discipline.  This event should grow to possibly become the biggest of all HPR Open events.

Rules:               - This event is shot in accordance with AIHPA rules.

Location:           - This event may be shot anywhere in Australia.
- Hosts must apply to AIHPA in writing.  AIHPA committee will award the event to the hosts best suitable to run the event.

Occurrence:      - This is an annual event shot each calendar year.

Timings:            - May be shot over 1 day or more, but multiple days must be back to back.

Event Status:     - Group B (refer to status table under chapter “Competition Guidelines”).

Classification:    - Open Event – Open to any shooter with a current shooters licence.

Match:              - Minimum 1x International Match Course.
- The match may be expanded by adding additional strings or other full courses of fire (VMC, AMC, TMC, etc).

Rifle Specs:       - All specifications accepted (1, 2, 3 & 5).
                        - Depending entries, some rifle specs may be combined.
                        - “Any Rifle” may be eligible to compete at the discretion of the hosts/organisers.

Entry:               - An entry fee per competitor or match may be charged.

Awards:            - Titles and Trophies by rifle spec/s per advert.
                        - Outright trophies by rifle spec will be offered as a minimum.  There may be additional trophies by shooter classification.
                        - ALL paid entrants are eligible for Title and outright trophies.
                        - Non-AIHPA members will not be eligible to shoot for classified  trophies, if any.

General Information

As an “Open” event, every licensed shooter is encouraged to participate.

This event may be run in conjunction with another event, of any type, and interested entrants are encouraged to source a flyer for the event and check all relevant information, such as matches, range details, required equipment, entry fees etc.

Changes:          Organisers reserve the right to change the event or schedule without notice.