October 2005
2005 will have this successful, and truly authentic, International Internet Postal Competition, run again but hopefully bigger than 2004, with more countries scheduled to come on board. The High Power “National Match Course” is one of the most challenging and largest positional across the course type rifle events in the world. These competitions are global, and will be run, out of Australia, by AIHPA (NRA & SSAA Affiliated), from 1st January until 31st October 2005 inclusive.
Every club in the world is invited to participate in this International Competition. This match is considered the ultimate Service Rifle and Match/Target Rifle course in the world, and must be followed in accordance with the High Power rulebooks. The postal competition is as follows:
The NMC is a 58round match (includes 8 sighters), set over 200, 300 and 600 yards comprising of both slow and rapid fire stages in standing, sitting and prone positions. This event may be contested with ALL, or any, rifle types categorised into 4 classes (Spec 1, 2, 3 or 5) – each class competes separately. (See Appendix below for a complete list).
To participate, in this international event, simply compete the “National Match Course”, run under the supervision of an accredited officer, as many times you like in the scheduled time frame for this event. Then, submit your best scores, with all required info, to rifle@ aihpa .com before the 15th November 2005. Please include with the results:
- Shooter/s Name (first and last), Club, State and Country.
- Classification(Grade) (High Master, Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman).
- Rifle classes (all rifle classes contested individually – refer to Appendix A).
- Score for each 4 stages (Slow Standing, Rapid Sitting, Rapid Prone and Slow Prone etc).
- Grand total score for the NMC.
Note: Shooters may participate in all postal matches, including each class of the competition.
Please clearly indicate which class the submitted scores are aligned to.
Note2: The forwards compatibility rule applies. Spec 1 may be used in Spec 3, etc.
Results may be submitted electronically via a spreadsheet, or other means, if all the required information is provided and clear. For new comers to the discipline, starter scoresheets etc are available from the website.
For further information, on course of fire etc, go to the AIHPA web site at www.aihpa.com or please contact the Event Director, Aubrey Sonnenberg (Australia) rifle@ aihpa .com
* * * Note: Organisers reserve the right to change the program or schedule without notice * * *
Keep informed of any changes, without notice, by frequently checking the web site www.aihpa.com
APPENDIX: Rifle Classes.
The National Match Course postal competition is open to the following rifle configurations:
- Service Rifle Standard (As-Issued/”Vintage”) (Spec 1). For an issued bolt action service rifle, as issued to services, in a military/service calibre, fitted with iron sights, that has NO modifications and/or enhancements in any way, to any part of the rifle (internal or external).
- Service Rifle Modified (Spec 2) (CMP Compliant). For service rifles that were issued, but carry changes, modifications and/or enhancements to the rifle in areas such as the barrel, assembly/bedding etc, but retain the looks that externally resemble the original pattern of the rifle. This rifle must be fitted with original iron sights.
- Match/Any Rifle (Spec 3). For any service, factory, field, sporter, hunter, commercially available or custom built rifle, of any calibre and configuration, fitted with iron sights only in any configuration or type including iris type front and/or rear etc etc.
- Optical Rifle (Spec 5). For any, as per Spec 1, 2 or 3, but fitted with Optical Sights.
All rifle specs compete separately, and shooters may contest each of the rifle spec classes.