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The "Greater Sydney" Flag


This logo was created to best represent, as simply as possible, the base interests and geographical location of the Sydney
Centrefire Rifle group.  More importantly,  it needed to be photogenic, and be easy to reproduce on patches, pins, hats, and
other media.

When the need for a logo was realised, David Waters put out a request to the members for specific designs after giving some
basic outlines of what the logo should centre around.  Graham Smith kindly offered to do the artistic work, and got to drafting
some designs for review. 

Graham provided many first drafts which Craig Mahoney had plenty of input.  Soon after, many more drafts were provided by
Graham, that were reduced to half a dozen between these same 3 volunteers.  The final half dozen were sent to the greater
members via email to come up with some finalists.  We had several replies, but there was a consensus on a final 3.  These 3
designs, one of which was the logo we use now, were displayed at the June 2008 meet where, perhaps, unanimously the
current logo was accepted.  It was a great showing of team work and democracy by all.


The components of the logo:

        - Red cross, is taken from the greater Sydney flag.  This cross was then changed to the cross hairs of a
           rifle scope, allowing visibility of the X-ring centre.  The 4 point stars were retained.

        - Black X ring centre, represents the X-ring black and white target.  This same target theme was used by
          filling the remainder of the logo centre with concentric circles.  The X-ring target was the main theme
          because of the ease to distinguish the logo from a distance, and reproduce artwork for any future needs.

        - Yellow outer scoring rings, represents the colour of the figure targets we also shoot at.

        - Shape, is round to again represent the targets we use, and clearly define the motto of keeping all shots
          in the centre of the target (bullseyes).

        - Bullets and cartridges, were used to separate the wording, but also to clearly show this is a rifle shooting
          sports logo, as opposed to pistol, shotgun, archery, etc.

        - Wording, clearly shows we are the SSAA Sydney, we shoot centrefire (high power) rifles (and are proud
          of it).  Also, any type of centrefire rifle is welcome, representing another theme of us being inclusive,
          not exclusive.  All welcome!

This logo has lead to the creation of some group merchandise.

Patch - 80mm iron on.

Hat Pin - 25mm
safety pin.

Stubby holders.  $6ea