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Australian High Power Rifle

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Rules - General and Layover to NRA HPR AND CMP Service Rifle Rulebooks

The rules are generally in accordance with the NRA High Power Rifle rulebook April 2003 – distributed through the National Rifle Association US.   Exceptions to these rules are as outlined below, or any particular changes as outlined on the AIHPA website.

Specific changes to rules and guidelines, in exchange of, in addition to, or beyond those listed here, will be listed on event flyers, match bulletins or as announced at events or meets.  The changes particular to an event could be anything, so shooters must read all flyers and advertisements carefully, and be present at match briefings.

All members are asked, and advised, to apply these rules in the best interests of a fair, balanced and sporting like manner that will promote and contribute towards healthy spirited but fair and credible target shooting competition.

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Following is a list of some sections from the NRA HPR rulebook which AIHPA have amendments for: 

NOTE:  Throughout the rulebook, unless where otherwise defined here, the term NRA should be replaced with AIHPA. 

Section 1 (all)  “NRA Competition”
  AIHPA does reflect on this section of the NRA HPR rulebook, but members are advised that AIHPA has its own guidelines about AIHPA endorsed events (refer relevant section). 

Section 3  “Equipment and Ammunition”
All rules with regards to rifles configurations are per AIHPA rifle specifications section.
For reference and generalisation purposes only:

- NRA HPR "Vintage rifle" might be comparable to AIHPA Spec 1.
- NRA HPR “Service rifle” might be comparable to AIHPA Spec 2,
- NRA HPR “Match rifle” might be comparable to AIHPA Spec 3.
- NRA HPR "Match Rifle Any Sight" might be comparable to AIHPA Spec 5.

Section 9.6 "Malfunction"
A declared "disabled rifle" will be given 3 minutes to conduct repairs.

Section 10.1.7 "Rapid Fire Loading Procedure"
Rapid fires will be called at 5 rounds, reload, then 5 rounds.

Section 17 (all)  “National Records”
Records for Australian HP will only be maintained for National, State competition and sanctioned matches only. 

Section 19.17(b) “Reclassification”
A shooter will be reclassified (regraded) if that shooter, in any time, has 3 recorded scores, for the International Match Course, which has a greater classification percentage than that of the shooter current classification. (Refer to Classification section). 

Appendix C       “Honorary Clubs, Distinguished
Not applicable.

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(Download the Guide)


1.0 What is an Alibi  An alibi is a term used to describe the option of a shooter to refire a string (or a shot) fired (or not fired) where a problem occurred that unfairly disadvantaged or inhibited the shooter from getting the prescribed number of shots away, completing a string of fire, or shooting a potential result.  There are 3 basic types of alibi: Range, Pit and/or Shooter.

1.1 Range Alibi – unlimited alibis per string, as examples but not limited to:

            - A stoppage during a string
            - Incorrect procedure or timings
            - Incorrect range commands
            - Shooter is distracted by range issue out of the control of the shooter
            - Rules were not followed correctly
            - Wildlife in the line of fire
            - Match bulletin was not followed
            - Scores were incorrectly recorded, etc.

1.2 Pit Alibi – unlimited alibis per string, as examples but not limited to:

            - Target problem – damaged, departs from frame or carrier, not patched.
            - Target is pulled by mistake (prematurely)
            - Target exposure was incorrect (presentation or timing)
            - Rules were not followed correctly
            - Incorrect pit procedure (scoring procedure), etc.

1.3 Shooter/Equipment Alibi (limits dependent on string – see types below):

            - Equipment malfunction (rifle, magazine, attachments)
            - Ammunition malfunction (squib load, misfire, hangfire)
            - Shooter is distracted by their surrounding equipment (eg. scope stand
               blows over and hits the shooter, etc), etc.

2.0 Choose An Alibi or Let Score Stand

A shooter may choose to either let the score stand, after the disadvantage, or choose to refire.

3.0 Claiming an Alibi

Range and Pit Alibis can be claimed at any time until the scores and groups period is complete.  Once scores and groups period is complete, the right to an alibi has expired.

Shooter/Equipment Alibis can only be claimed during a string at the time of the stoppage (see types below).

SLOW FIRE ALIBI GUIDE  - refer to complete guide.

RAPID FIRE ALIBI GUIDE - refer to complete guide.

SNAP FIRE ALIBI GUIDE   - refer to complete guide.

Remember, and alibi is a safety rule, not a second chance rule.

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