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Command Terminology

Range to Pit Requests

Australian High Power Rifle

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Marking, Scoring & Pit Operations (Pit Duty & PO)

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Marking Targets
Because HPR is typically shot using a target gallery on a pit/butts type range, these procedures for indicating shots and relaying scores to the shooter and the firing line are VERY IMPORTANT. Note that full marking procedures etc are given in the NRA rulebook, but below are highlighted important points.


When spotting shot(s), unless otherwise stated, a shot spotter disc must be used as follows:

          - For IMC, VMC and TMC (X-ring targets):

       - WHITE spotter discs should be used in black target area’s,

       - RED, BLACK or other reasonably suitable colour spotting discs used in
                   white target area’s,

          - For AMC and 3PRB (V-ring targets): White in V ring, then alternate out...

                 - WHITE spotter discs should be used in V, 4, 2 rings

                 - RED spotter discs should be used in 5, 3, 1 rings

- Spotting discs should be a size that is relatively easy to see with an average
  10x spotting scope at the given distance, but avoid significant obstruction of
  the aiming mark.

Unless otherwise stated, all shots should be spotted with shot spotters that can indicate a group size without causing confusion of the group to the shooter.

- Small/Tight Groups:  Are typically best indicated to the shooter by way of brightly coloured (typically fluorescent) golf tee's.  These tee's may be of a colour that can be equally affective for indicating shots in both the black and/or the white (such as bright pink or orange).

                          This tight group is spotted wth tees.

- Large Groups: Are best indicated with small sized spotting discs (approx 1" or 1.5" square) - similar style to those used in slow fire.

          Note the typical spotters in right target, but tee's used in left target.

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When spotting each shot individually during slow fire or sighting periods, a red or black shot value indicating marker disc (value disc) should be placed around the perimeter of target over the corresponding shot value.  Locations below:

      X       Bottom left corner
       Bottom centre
       Bottom right corner
      8       Centre right side
      7       Top right corner
      6       Top left corner
      5       Centre left side
  ALL MISSES  Top Centre


If a target is pulled inadvertently, affecting the possible/potential value of a shot (eg. could have been a 10 but pulling the target prematurely resulted in the shot being hight (perhaps a 5 or 6 at 12o'clock)), value markers, or LARGE spotting discs, should be placed at centre left and centre right (3o'clock and 9o'clock) positions on the target (over the 5 and 8 values).  This will signal to the range and shooter that the target was pulled by mistake, and the shot should not count to score.  Another shot is fired by the shooter.

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SCORING - Slow Fire Strings
Scoring takes place on the firing line by a “scorer”.  The value of each shot is indicated by a target/pits operator using a value disc.  This value disc is placed around the perimeter of the target after each shot (refer to Marking Targets).  This scorer records the value of each shot on a scoresheet as shown when the target is in view.

SCORING - Rapid Fire Strings
Scoring takes place on the firing line by a “scorer” at the completion of the string.  The scores are displayed using a "bimo" board, or scoreboard, or communicated back to the firing line by radio.  Scores must only be relayed back to the firing line while the shot spotted targets are in full view (known as a “Firers View”).  ALL targets will remain in full view until the scoring period and protest period is complete.  Only after the call of the RO is given, the Pits will pull all targets and clean them out ready for next string.

Every shooter should have a safety officer behind them, who is also responsible for counting shots during rapid fire strings, to advise if there was insufficient or excessive shots fired during the string.

SCORING - Rapid Fire Strings - Insufficient Hits
If a shooter has fired insufficient shots, and there is no alibi, then the target is scored with the number of hits found.

If a shooter fired 10 rounds (confirmed by the safety officer), there were no stray shots (early or late - confirmed by anybody on the range or pits) and all shots are in the 9 ring (x-ring target) or better, or 4 ring (V-ring target) or better, then that shooter is either entitled to an alibi, or benefit of the doubt.  If benefit of the doubt, an additional shot value will be added equal to the value with most number of hits.

SCORING - Rapid Fire Strings - Excessive Hits
If a shooter has fired excessive shots, then the shooter is disqualified.  No alibi allowed.

If a shooter fired 10 rounds (confirmed by the safety officer), and the target has excessive hits, and there is no insufficient hits on targets either side, then:

        - Excessive shots on target up to 2, Record highest 10 shots.

        - Excessive shots on target greater than 2, the string is refired.  No sighters.

Ranges and clubs may use any type of suitable scoresheet they wish to best suit them.  If your club has no suitable scoresheets available, then AIHPA offers suitable scoresheets that can be downloaded from our downloads section.
Note: We also offer a self scoring practice "master scoresheet” which has each string for a shooter on a single form.  This is typically used for practice, social and club meets.

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PIT & TARGET OPERATIONS Overview (Download .pdf)


- All target frames and target faces should be installed so they:
            - are tight in carriers,
            - straight when presented,
            - secure to not suffer from wind or weather affects,

- All replacement centres, if being stapled, should have staples in each corner, and
   middle of each edge as a minimum.  Too many staples is better than too few.

- All loose and incorrectly coloured patches should be replaced.

- Every target point should have:
            - clip board with pen,
            - value disk,
            - shot spotters - small discs (at some stage, a shooter may request golf tees),
            - target patches (various colours) (suggest have these attached to clip board).

- Pit officer has final say on all matters in the pits.  Report to Event Director any harassment.

- Read safety brief every time entering the pits.

- Read general string brief at the change of every string type (before string starts).

- Keep all targets down (unexposed) until ALL targets are 100% ready to go.

- Ensure all required marker equipment and quantities that will be needed are laid out and correct prior to starting (minimise stoppages).

- All targets go up and down together except during slow fire sighters and strings.

- Targets go up only when advised by RO (do not pre-empt this) at the start of prep time, strings and scoring.  Targets go down on PO call when time has expired (prep time, rapid fire, etc) except for scoring period only after the call from RO.

- Golf tees may be requested as spotting discs for tight groups.  Have them ready if needed.

- Always start with targets at half mast, except:

            - for MSD strings which start with targets all the way up,
              (pull targets when time expires),

            - for snap strings where targets are taken all the way down into the pit.

- All targets at half mast signify pits are ready (except for snap strings).  Until all targets are at half mast, the range will be waiting (expect enquiries from the RO).

- Us the 3min prep time, when targets are exposed, to organise markers and equipment as the markers are not required to do anything during this 3min period (eg. read string briefing).  This allows the range to continue running.

- All timing is done in the pits by PO or as delegated.

- Remember, timings start from ZERO (not 1).

- Timings start from when the LAST TARGET is UP.

- NEVER short time an exposure.  Too much time is better than too little.  Under prescribed exposures may, and probably will, result in a re-shoot.  This is a complete waste of time (minutes for seconds).

- If a re-shoot is required due to short time, don’t complain about it, just get it done.


            - Ensure value disc is used around perimeter of target to indicate
               previous shot value.

            - If target is pulled by mistake, present target ASAP with a disc in the
              9 and 3 o’clock positions to signal to the reason for pulling target to
              the range and shooter.

            - Pull all targets – do NOT plug or patch.

            - Have markers count shots (checking for 10 hits)
                 - insufficient or excessive hits, have marker notify Pit Officer.

                 - PO must notify RO (if RO hasn’t already notified PO of firing problem),
                   insufficient rounds, possible cross fires, etc.

                 - if excessive, consider cross-fires (check targets either side).

                 - if the excess shot is a cross-fire, check if shot can be identified
                   (calibre) to deduct the correct shot from the scoring.

             - If 10, or required number of, hits on target, then (in this order):

                 1) score the target by noting values on scoresheet (for relay to firing line)

                 2) plug holes with spotting discs (consider colours)

                 3) run target to half mast (signifies when ready) and wait for PO instruction.
                     (No need to half mast together – half mast each target as it is ready).

            - When ALL targets at half mast, they are ready, and all targets go
               up TOGETHER for firers view.

            - Notify RO “Ready for Scores?” and wait for response before reading scores.

            - When reading scores, ALWAYS READ THE TARGET NUMBER first BEFORE
              reading the value hits.  Read hits from top to bottom, calling zero for a
              value if no hits.

                Example.  X=4, 10=3, 9=1, 8=2, 7=0, 6=0, 5=0, so the following is called,

                         “Target 1, pause, 4, 3, 1, 2 (no need to read out 0, 0, 0).

                           Release 2-way PTT button in case RO needs score re-read.

             - LEAVE all targets up until RO advised there are NO protests and scoring is
                complete. When advised, pull all targets and clean out ready for next string.

HANDLING RE-FIRES (ALIBIS)     (Refer to the Alibis Procedures)

Ensure and remind markers 

- Have read or have been read the Pit Safety Briefing.

- Always start with targets cleaned out (patched) and value discs removed.

- If target is pulled accidentally, and a shot was fired during movement, advise PO immediately.

- ALWAYS have a patch for previous shot ready before next shot is fired.

- When spotting shots:

       - Black and White targets:  White spotter in Black, or Black/Pink spotter in White. 

       - Black and Yellow targets:  V=White, 5=Red, 4=White, 3=Red, 2=White, 1=Red.
                        Remember, VW = V=White, then alternate out.

- Ensure equipment is not abused, and report all abuse or theft.

- Equipment broken, dropped in carrier ditch, dirtied, etc must be repaired or paid for.

- All rubbish is disposed of in bins – not our storage containers.

- Preach safety and stay hydrated.

Before vacating the range, ensure:

- Store targets with surfaces alternating (face-to-face, and back-to-back).

- Ensure all loose equipment is packed into relevant boxes or crates in an orderly fashion.

- Check ownership of equipment (do not mix equipment between various owners).

- Double check after packup to ensure there is nothing left behind.

- Leave no litter or rubbish.

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